• Designed by the Military...
  • 21 Day Test Run
  • Dependable Toughness
  • Comfort Guaranteed
  • More Miles for Your Money
  • Our Brand Philosophy

...for the Military

UK Gear’s training shoes were originally designed in association with the Royal Army Physical Training Corps (RAPTC). These elite fitness professionals were closely involved in the development and tested our products in some of the most inhospitable conditions on Earth. Only when approved by the Military do we consider our products... Built to survive.

Kate Philp: first female test runner to complete 1000 mile challenge!

>>25 March 2011

Hi UK Gear,

Kate_Philp_4.jpgI undertook the challenge of taking a pair of PT-1000's to 1,000 miles with some scepticism and trepidation. I usually rotate 2 or 3 pairs of running shoes at any one time and discard them after a few hundred miles: And I run a demanding mileage schedule on road and rough terrain.

I was quite amazed at the performance and functionality of the shoes. And I'll be honest, I wanted to try and wear them out them out but they really stood to their promise, both on and off road. Plus, they are light enough to race in for anything over 5k, which surprised me.

At no time did I feel that I risked personal injury by adding mileage to the shoes, which is always a concern for long distance runners; your kit has to function at the highest level. I also like the design, look and colours of the shoes, I am a woman that is drawn to the aesthetics of my kit, it's all part of the overall package. Top marks from me UK Gear!

I've had my place on the Championship start for the 2011 London marathon confirmed and I am sure that my PT-1000 running shoes will help carry me to the finish!

Thanks UK Gear,

Kate Philp,
Double Ironman Competitor and Runners World pacer.

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