• Designed by the Military...
  • 21 Day Test Run
  • Dependable Toughness
  • Comfort Guaranteed
  • More Miles for Your Money
  • Our Brand Philosophy

...for the Military

UK Gear’s training shoes were originally designed in association with the Royal Army Physical Training Corps (RAPTC). These elite fitness professionals were closely involved in the development and tested our products in some of the most inhospitable conditions on Earth. Only when approved by the Military do we consider our products... Built to survive.

PT-1000 - Legendary shoes! Ken Carter

>>21 April 2011

Hi UK Gear,

Being from Australia, I had only ever heard the legend of UK Gear from friends in the Ultra running world in the UK. Through a lot of Umming and Ahhhing and the discovery of the PT-1000 running shoe, I finally thought I would try my luck on a pair. But where the hell in Australia do you buy them?!   

Luckily for me, the team at UK Gear were more than happy to ship a pair to me here in Australia and at an extremely reasonable price. After some days of waiting, I opened my parcel to find the most robust and durable looking running shoes I had ever seen! Let me say also, that they look heavier than they actually are, which really surpirised me.   

The shoes are not a pair of flimsy, soft cushioned shoes that feel their best when you first take them out of the box.   They are an extremely high mileage and long lasting training shoe that took a little time to break in. Obviously you are going to be doing a whole lot of k's in these babies, so during the first week or so, I felt like I was just running them in. But each time I wore them, they'd adapt to my foot and heel strike a little more.  

I have now chalked up around 200km in them on the road and the trails.  As a trail shoe they are great and on the road they are as good as any other shoe I have worn and obviously with double the life span!

Legendary shoes. Thanks UK Gear.


Ken Carter
Queensland, Australia