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...for the Military
UK Gear’s training shoes were originally designed in association with the Royal Army Physical Training Corps (RAPTC). These elite fitness professionals were closely involved in the development and tested our products in some of the most inhospitable conditions on Earth. Only when approved by the Military do we consider our products... Built to survive.
PT-1000 - Impressive Performance! Philip Spiers
>>11 November 2011Day 1: 47 miles run
Day 2: 39 miles run
Hi UK Gear, I first heard about UK Gear shoes several years ago from my brother who was serving in the British Army. He used to rave about his UK Gear shoes that he used for physical training (PT). Last year, I heard rumours about a running shoe that could 'last for a thousand miles' in the ULTRA community, at events and in forums. When I checked the claim out on-line, I saw that the shoe was in fact UK Gear's PT-1000. I decided to purchase a pair, and have never looked back!
Since I purchased the shoes, I have used the them on numerous occasions, on varying length runs over different terrains and conditions and have been pleased with the performance.
I recently signed up for the ULTRA race John O'Groats to Land End (JOGLE) tester weekend, and took my trusty PT-1000 running shoes along with me.
The weekend of the JOGLE Tester run however, was the longest single run that I had done in the shoes. This was going to be a test not only on how well I performed, but on how well the shoes performed running on road and pavement only.
Day-1 started at 7am and due to the nature of the training weekend I was looking to cover the 47 miles in around 10-11 hours, as ultimately this would be the kind of pace I would be setting in the first few days on the JOGLE.
The shoes performed very well on day-1 with no issues at all! They performed exactly how I wanted them to. I was worried that the slight rigidity of the shoe and the hardness of the sole would give me some soreness on the bottom of my feet, but they were perfectly fine.
On Day-2 I had toyed with using a different pair of running shoes to avoid compounding any potential issues that I might have picked up on day-1. However, as I had no issues I opted to use the PT-1000’s again.
The first 20 or so miles I had no issues, and the shoes performed exactly how I expected them to.
Over the next 19 miles or so my lack of endurance training began to show. My running gait altered considerably to more of an 'Ultra shuffle'. I am very familiar with this running stance but normally after around 100 miles into a long ultra.
The problem I found with this type of running shuffle is that you only pick your feet up enough to avoid scraping the road surface. This style however does kick up any loose bits of fine gravel, this inevitably finds its way into the shoe. I found myself having to stop every few miles or so to tip out this loose debris.
Obviously this is not a design flaw with the shoes as such but a lack of my endurance fitness. However I am slightly concerned that after a few days on the JOGLE this running style will be fairly normal, I think I am going to need to find some gaiters which will fit the shoes to avoid this.
On completion of day-2 I assessed my feet and found that I had no blisters and more importantly no potential areas of break down. This had always been my worry with consecutive days using the same shoes.
Overall I was very impressed with the way the shoe performed over the weekend. The tester weekend was the longest 2-days I have ran this year, purely on road - so I was expecting some kind of foot damage but I did not have any. The only issue I had was a sore left ankle which went after a days rest. I put this down to my running stance and not the shoes.
Click HERE for my complete blog of the weekend
Thanks UK Gear!
Phil Spiers
Ultra Runner
PT-03 Desert Review by Ken Inui [Japanese]
>>09 April 2015
Compliment Re Your Great Shoes from the USA - E. Huber
>>09 March 2015
Congrats to Jon for Winning the Severn Challenge, 220 Miles in the PT-1000 - June 2013
>>19 June 2013
Mario Penzen reviews the shoes he wore in the Marathon des Sables
>>01 May 2012
Customer Services review from Ash in York
>>06 February 2012
Special Olympian Erik N. Weber reviews the PT-1000
>>31 January 2012
PT-1000 - Built Spartan Tough! Selica Sevigny
>>18 November 2011
PT-1000 - Impressive Performance! Philip Spiers
>>11 November 2011
PT-03 DESERT - A great piece of Kit! Edward Chapman
>>24 October 2011
PT-1000 - An impeccable running shoe! Angela Tassoni
>>17 October 2011
GT-02 - The perfect shoe for Freerunning! Aaron Palmer
>>05 October 2011
PT-1000 Update - Sharon Gayter, International Ultra Distance Athlete
>>27 September 2011
Paul Bateson's 1,000 mile shoe review - no.2
>>23 September 2011
PT-1000 - Can cope with it all! Edward Chapman
>>04 August 2011
PT-1000 - Sharon Gayter, International Ultra Distance Champion and author
>>20 July 2011
XC-09 - Amazing Performance! Maria I. Quiles
>>27 June 2011
PT-1000 - Legendary shoes! Ken Carter
>>21 April 2011
PT-1000 - It delivers, and more! David Lowes
>>15 April 2011
Dr. Andrew Murray - PT-1000 Review
>>13 April 2011
Kate Philp: first female test runner to complete 1000 mile challenge!
>>25 March 2011
Paul Bateson: Completes the 1,000 mile challenge wearing UK Gear's PT-1000's!
>>21 March 2011
PT-1000 - Phil Brewer, Reserve Forces
>>16 March 2011
PT-1000 - Incredibly happy! Michelle Cutler
>>07 March 2011
An 80 year old review
>>08 February 2011
PT-1000 / GT-02 - Lynne Bromnick from shoereviewsite.com
>>11 January 2011
PT-1000 - They are the best shoes I have used, Mark Cooper
>>07 January 2011
PT-1000 - Paul Bateson Director of Team Axarsport
>>15 December 2010
PT-03 WINTER - Sooo comfortable!! Mike Buss
>>01 December 2010
PT-1000 - Make it to Everest Base Camp with mountaineer, Stephen Bock
>>15 October 2010
PT-03 - Still going strong after 1,610 miles!
>>28 September 2010
PT-1000 - Alex Howarth, Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc
>>03 August 2010
Stephen Bock Mounts Everest
>>14 June 2010
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>>10 May 2010
PT-03 NC Customer Feedback
>>22 March 2010
PT-03 DESERT Alex Howarth, Namibia 2009
>>29 January 2010
PT-03 DESERT - Mark Cockbain, Ultra Runner
>>18 November 2009
PT-03 - UK Gear convert
>>05 October 2009
XC-09 - Road Runner Sports
>>17 July 2009
All Shoes - Amazon.com Feedback
>>11 February 2009
PT-03 DESERT - Sirmi Poligoni
>>11 February 2009
PT-03 - David Carrick
>>06 January 2009
PT-03 - Scott Robinson
>>06 January 2009
PT-03 WINTER - Steve Cushing : Equipment, Blisters and Nails...
>>25 November 2008
PT-03 DESERT - Steve Cushing
>>03 November 2008
PT-03 - A. Dodd
>>27 August 2008
XC-09 - Hannes Boeger
>>19 August 2008
PT-03 - Clay Williams : Faster than an Elephant !
>>05 August 2008
PT-03 - Deborah Izzard
>>18 July 2008
XC-09 - Eddie Grice
>>17 July 2008
XC-09 - John
>>31 March 2008
PT-03 - Tracy Carlton
>>03 March 2008
PT-03 - Seb Bates : The Marrakech Express
>>16 January 2008
PT-03 - Zappos.com customers
>>18 October 2007
PT-03 - Frank
>>06 August 2007
PT-03 - Steve Bambury
>>05 July 2007
PT-03 - Chris Bentley
>>29 June 2007
PT-03 - R. Lange
>>15 June 2007
PT-03 - F. French
>>13 June 2007
PT-03 - Arran Long
>>08 June 2007
PT-03 - Orrison Rice : The Comrades Marathon
>>17 May 2007
GT-02 - A.D.S.
>>14 November 2006
PT-03 - If my Feet could Kiss...... they'd Kiss me!
>>21 August 2006
PT-03 - Runner's World Forum
>>06 July 2006
PT-03 - L.C.
>>01 June 2006
PT-03 - J.P.
>>13 December 2005
XC-09 - Pat McCloskey
>>06 December 2005
PT-03 - P.M.
>>03 November 2005
PT-03 - John Madrid
>>12 June 2005
PT-03 - Bill Robb : UK Gear Pace Team, Detroit Marathon
>>02 May 2005
PT-03 - Bill Robb
>>16 April 2005
PT-03 - J. McC.
>>01 March 2005
PT-03 - G.E.
>>09 February 2005
PT-03 - M.H.
>>17 January 2005
PT-03 - T.W.
>>10 November 2004
PT-03 - L.P.
>>05 November 2004
PT-03 - R.C.
>>29 October 2004
PT-03 - N.P.
>>11 October 2004