• Designed by the Military...
  • 21 Day Test Run
  • Dependable Toughness
  • Comfort Guaranteed
  • More Miles for Your Money
  • Our Brand Philosophy

...for the Military

UK Gear’s training shoes were originally designed in association with the Royal Army Physical Training Corps (RAPTC). These elite fitness professionals were closely involved in the development and tested our products in some of the most inhospitable conditions on Earth. Only when approved by the Military do we consider our products... Built to survive.

PT-03 - Men's Fitness Magazine : Left, Right, Left, Right, It's the new Army training shoe

>>17 May 2004

The PT-03 is the first ever UK Forces-backed trainer. Unsurprisingly it's been designed with pure bloody-minded endurance in mind. One officer tested it over 800 kilometres and reported that it felt 'more robust than your average running shoe. Sah!' MF's initial tests suggest the PT-03 is a sturdy cross-trainer, good for mixed terrain and hills but a bit clumpy for road runners.

PT-03 shoe: £79.
Stockists: 0870 403 1400.

Website: http://www.mensfitness.com