• Designed by the Military...
  • 21 Day Test Run
  • Dependable Toughness
  • Comfort Guaranteed
  • More Miles for Your Money
  • Our Brand Philosophy

...for the Military

UK Gear’s training shoes were originally designed in association with the Royal Army Physical Training Corps (RAPTC). These elite fitness professionals were closely involved in the development and tested our products in some of the most inhospitable conditions on Earth. Only when approved by the Military do we consider our products... Built to survive.

SGB Outdoor - PT-1000 review

>>18 November 2010

Former SGB Editor takes on marathon challenge

Former SGB editor Jon Bruford is running the 2011 London Marathon in aid of local charity Severn Hospice. Jon, 36, a keen but not particularly good runner, is enthusiastic about the challenge: "I've wanted to run a marathon for some time now, but niggles and work always got in the way. This time though, because I'm running for such a fantastic charity, I'll get to the end by hook or crook."

Jon has been training in UK Gear's new PT-1000 running shoes, and is impressed. He said: "They're a lot lighter than I imagined they would be, and they're very responsive; I walked about nine miles in them before my first run, as UK Gear always say their shoes need a few miles to bed in. From the first run though, I have been very, very impressed with the shoe. Who knows, the PT-1000's might even take me all the way to the finish line!"

Anybody wishing to assist with donations, well wishes or gear to get through the winter months can email [email protected].
